Photo by Drew Cecchini
I was trained as a painter and printmaker, however, I have found my preference is in working in colored pencils. I enjoy the long journey of slowly building each piece. Layer upon layer upon layer my drawings reveal themselves. Even if I erase something, pigment remains, and I must adapt. Perfection becomes impossible and instead there is simply workability. I have grown to appreciate the meditative aspect of working in such a large scale with such a small medium.
My drawings are inspired by my close friendship with nature and animals. Often, a drawing will come to me in a dream first. Many of my drawings were inspired by the incredible young beings I work with as a learning specialist, and the challenges they face. Oftentimes situations feel too serious or too overwhelming, and it’s helpful to take a breath and have a little fun. This might look like embodying the strengths and mannerisms of animals we connect with and admire. These drawings are of the animals with whom I share a deep connection and admiration for and the fun that we have. It is my hope that by merely looking at them, you will feel a bit braver, a bit cleverer, that you will see your own innate wisdom, and that hopefully you will feel a bit more joyful.
Thank you for your presence.
Sarah Root
Bend, Oregon